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Do statins decrease testosterone in men?
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https://intbrazjurol.com.br/vol-numbers-41-50/vol-50-n-02-2024/ 119 | Do statins decrease testosterone in men? Systematic review and meta-analysis Felipe Placco Araujo Glina, Leonardo Lopes, Rodrigo Spinola e Silva, Eduardo Augusto Correa...

Cardio IQ test

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Hi Guys I just got results from my cardio Iq test. it doesnt look good as far as I can interpret. Any ideas on how to improve my numbers? Im in shape 5'8 170 current TRT 200mg test cyp a week dhea 10 mg daily 3000 mg omega fish oil a day 2000 CLA...
Do statins affect erections in men?
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Question: Do statins affect erections in men? Answer: The science on statins and sexual function is inconclusive, but it does appear that taking a statin may sometimes affect a person's sex life. Researchers looked at statin use and sexual...
The Effects of Ketogenic Dieting on Body Composition, Strength, Power, and Hormonal Profiles
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J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Apr 7. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001935. The Effects of Ketogenic Dieting on Body Composition, Strength, Power, and Hormonal Profiles in Resistance Training Males. Wilson JM1, Lowery RP, Roberts MD, Sharp MH, Joy JM...
Whole Milk vs Skimmed Milk: Effect on Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Level
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Abstract BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Dietary guidelines have for decades recommended choosing low-fat dairy products due to the high content of saturated fat in dairy known to increase blood concentration of LDL cholesterol. However, meta-analyses...

When is Prolactin too high and what are benefits of lowering it

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My Prolactin is a bit high at 448 and the UK range is 86-324 mU/L. One doc said to me its not a problem another said I should take Cabergoline to lower it at 0.25mg twice a week. I wondered what is the benefit to lowering it to what level for us...
Testosterone and Depression Symptoms in Aging Men
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Although the sole unequivocal indication for testosterone treatment is replacement therapy for male hypogonadism, off-label testosterone prescribing for aging men without pathologic hypogonadism rose dramatically (100-fold) over recent decades...
High Testosterone Blood Levels May Increase Mortality
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https://academic.oup.com/jsm/article/21/Supplement_1/qdae001.281/7600971 Abstract Introduction The benefits and risks of testosterone therapy (TT) have been a subject of long-standing debate. The recent TRAVERSE trial demonstrated that men...
Management of Male Fertility in Hypogonadal Patients on TRT
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Abstract Testosterone is crucial in regulating several body functions in men, including metabolic, sexual, and cardiovascular functions, bone and muscle mass, and mental health. Therefore, optimizing testosterone levels in men is an important...
Top Facts You Need to Know Before Starting TRT
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Embarking on the path of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) often evokes a blend of enthusiasm and concern among men. The allure of renewed vigor, heightened sexual desire, and robust muscle growth is enticing. However, there are a lot of...
What is the testosterone dose for muscle gain?
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Some of the guys I work out with know that i inject T. It has come up why then do I not put on more gains, I do heavy rssitance training and little cardio. I explained that I am on a theraputic dose. Shoot I take a paltry 30 mg twice a week...
Pregnenolone 101: What You Need to Know About this Precursor Hormone
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As the years slip slowly by, our bodies begin to decline. It's an unfortunate truth, but the good news is that we can DO something about it. Hormone supplements can help to restore our vitality, boost our sex drive, enhance cognitive function...
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