Excel Male TRT Forum

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Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin): Effect on Lab Tests

  • 22,819
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PARTICIPATION NEEDED! Of those EM members that have taken nandrolone or are currently taking nandrolone alongside their TRT, we are conducting a small ExcelMale study to help determine the effect that nandrolone has on Total Testosterone, E2...

All About Oxandrolone

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Anavar (Oxandrolone) Blood Levels Increased by Caffeine Oxandrolone (Anavar) Medical Uses- Presentation Attached Novel Uses for the Anabolic Steroids Nandrolone and Oxandrolone ... HIV, nandrolone and oxandrolone [Archive] - ExcelMale.com...

Evaluating the Combination of hCG + Clomid in Treatment of Male Hypogonadism

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Background: In this study, we evaluated MHH patients who wished to preserve fertility, assessing the efficacy of a short course (12 months) of a combined hCG +clomiphene citrate. Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional study included 19...

Cable Exercises Can Develop the Body Fully and Safely

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Some of you know that I prefer cables due to my low back and right hand issues. Here are a few good cable exercises (short GIF included) Instructions. Preparation. Grasp cable bar with shoulder width or slightly narrower overhand grip. Stand...
Depression — Advanced Treatments for Treatment-Resistant Depression
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In this third episode of a four-part Double Take video miniseries on depression from the New England Journal of Medicine, Drs. Sanacora, Nikayin, and Cristancho discuss the role neuroplasticity may play in the pathogenesis of depression and the...
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Report: Threats to Human Health
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01:00 Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) pose threats to human health, with significant scientific evidence backing this claim. 03:55 ️ The Endocrine Society has been advocating for evidence-based regulation of EDCs since 2009, emphasizing...

Safety and efficacy of melatonin for sleep disorders?

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What do we really know about the safety and efficacy of melatonin for sleep disorders? (2021) David J. Kennaway ABSTRACT Melatonin is a hormonal product of the pineal gland, a fact that is often forgotten. Instead, it is promoted as a dietary...

Creatine in Health and Disease

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Abstract Although creatine has been mostly studied as an ergogenic aid for exercise, training, and sport, several health and potential therapeutic benefits have been reported. This is because creatine plays a critical role in cellular...

Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia: (finasteride) Impact on Erections and Sexual Function

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Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Marah Hehemann, an assistant professor of urology and the Associate Program Director of Andrology at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Hehemann specializes in male sexual function and...

Testosterone Injection Site Reactions: Grapeseed Oil, Sesame Oil, and Cottonseed Oil Carriers.

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When comparing testosterone cypionate blended with grapeseed oil, sesame oil, and cottonseed oil, several factors come into play, including viscosity, inflammatory response, and patient preference for injection type. Here is a detailed comparison...

Testosterone therapy for men on active surveillance

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“The 2018 AUA guidelines for testosterone therapy that were co-chaired by Dr. John P. Mulhall say that we have an absence or a paucity of data on using testosterone therapy on active surveillance,” says Helen L. Bernie, DO, MPH...

Experience with penile phoenix acoustic shockwave device at home

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Heard a few people talk about it (including few on these forums), so I bought the GetMyPhoenix (formerly GetMyRocket) phoenix acoustic device for home use to do shockwave therapy, because of it's low cost compared to shockwave sessions in a...
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