Excel Male TRT Forum

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Hypothyroidism: Facts, Interactions and Resources
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Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are two common thyroid disorders that can be detected through thyroid function tests. Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough...
Men's Health Coaching with Nelson Vergel
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The journey to optimal health, fitness, and well-being is an intimate and individualized one, rife with challenges, misconceptions, and personal hurdles. In the realm of men's health, having an experienced, knowledgeable, and compassionate guide...
Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)
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J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998 Feb;83(2):362-9. Two-month treatment of obese subjects with the oral growth hormone (GH) secretagogue MK-677 increases GH secretion, fat-free mass, and energy expenditure. Svensson J1, Lönn L, Jansson JO, Murphy G...
Successful Story with Testosterone Cream Protocol
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To all members: Below is an overview of my history, and TRT cream protocol that I found most effective for myself and others I am a 55-year-old business owner who has always exercised, eat healthy foods, and tried to stay on the path of...
Anti-Obesity Pharmacotherapy for Long-Term Obesity Management
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Dr. Carolyn T. Bramante, MD, MPH presented a grand round on Anti-Obesity Pharmacotherapy for Long-Term Obesity Management. She discussed the complexity of obesity as a disease, the physiological and genetic factors affecting it, the importance of...
What are the best vitamin/supplements for Liver health?
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My liver enzymes are always a little high, not super high, but always 30-40% over normal range for the last 20+ years. Occasionally they have gone down to WNL when I lost weight (I am up and down with my weight). Therefore I know some of this is...
TRT vs Clomid
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Had my urologist just recommend clomid for low T. A couple months ago when I saw my labs and PCP, we both agreed that some sort of TRT would be appropriate. I made appt with urologist but he couldn't see me for over 6 weeks. I did not want to...
What Every Man Should Know About Nitric Oxide
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When it comes to treating erectile dysfunction, there is one name we're all familiar with: Viagra. Viagra generated over $1.7 billion in sales in 2015 alone. That's a lot of people popping "the little blue pill" in order to have sex. But what if...
Effect of Estradiol on Men's Libido
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Table of Contents Video: Increased Estradiol Improved Sex Drive in Men Estradiol in Men: Background Sex Steroids and the Male Libido Effect of Testosterone and Estradiol on Men's Libido: Low Estradiol and Fat Gain: Surprising Results High...

Is anyone using Xyosted?

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Hi I am about to start using Xyosted 100mg weekly subcutaneous injections. is anyone here using it and what are your impressions on it? Thanks in advance https://www.excelmale.com/tags/xyosted/ :)

Converting HCG units - mcg to IU

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My wife and I are doing a round of IUI this month, so she was recently prescribed Ovidrel (brand name HCG). The dose is 250 mcg, and the cost will be $75. I'm guessing that's way overpriced, given that I take compounded HCG that costs $75 for...
Blood work 6 weeks into HCG monotherapy going to start TRT
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As you can see, my free testosterone is 2.22 ng/dl (up from 2.0 before I started HCG). I've had low free T for 15 years. Until now I hesitated to go onto testosterone. Having HCG to keep my natural production up alleviates my concern. My...
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