"Transdermal testosterone has been used for years to treat patients with low testosterone symptoms. Clinically, we have monitored patients to evaluate results of testosterone absorption via blood serum concentrations. The data on multiple time...
Generally, manufacturers of herbal remedies and dietary supplements do not need FDA approval to sell their products. Just like a drug, herbs and supplements can affect the body's chemistry, and therefore have the potential to produce side effects...
Several studies have shown that as men grow old, they have more health complications that require medications for blood pressure, diabetes, depression, high cholesterol, and other comorbidities. So, older men tend to take several medications that...
Resistance exercise can increase liver enzymes. Some physicians do not know this and get concerned when they see elevated ALT and AST levels in healthy men without liver disease, excessive alcohol use or medication-related liver effects...
Table of Contents The 2018 American Urological Association guidelines on the Evaluation and Management of Testosterone Deficiency recommended that 300 ng/dL be used as the threshold for prescribing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)...
What’s a “Normal” Testosterone Level and How to Measure Your T Hormone Ranges Many doctors treat men who have under 350 ng/dL of total testosterone and who present with most of the symptoms listed by the ADAM questionnaire. How do you...
Table of Contents How to Increase Testosterone Naturally[/b] Free Testosterone (FT) blood levels should be at least 2 percent of TT. Not much can be done to manipulate sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) to increase FT levels since it may...
Table of Contents Society has increasingly witnessed more and more men falling prey to hypogonadism (low testosterone – LowT). On the one hand, it’s a condition we’re more aware of, and treatment options and abilities have increased. On...
Table of Contents Transcription Of CJC-1295 with Ipamorelin Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for joining us for today's webinar on some new products being offered by Wells Pharmacy Network. We're going to talk about three new...
Table of Contents Over 10-15 years ago there were several progressive doctors in the cash HRT/TRT (hormone replacement therapy/testosterone replacement therapy) space who at some point realized subcutaneous administration of testosterone...
Table of Contents This excellent lecture is recommended for clinicians and educated patients. From largest urology conference in the world (2015) Transcripton: Testosterone Treatment Speaker 1: So without further ado, I'd like to bring Dr...
testosterone inhibits spermatogenesis through central suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal hormonal axis. 5?-reductase inhibitors can impair sexual function, decrease semen volume and negatively affect sperm parameters, depending on...