Excel Male TRT Forum

Responses of different doses of testosterone injections on body composition, strength, etc.
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Comment: 125 mg per week was the lowest dose that provided statistically significant changes in lean body mass and fat mass. PAPER ATTACHED Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men. Bhasin S, et al. Am J Physiol...

What it the purpose of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) ?

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My question might be a basic one, but what is the purpose of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)? In general terms I appreciate that SHBG binds to Total Testosterone (along with Albumin) to give us Free Testosteron. My question is not about...

Why is 200 mg/wk the "upper limit" for TRT?

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I keep seeing people post that 200 mg/wk of test propionate is the upper range for TRT and that anything more than that constitutes AAS levels, with the implication that if you go higher you are abusing the protocol. Why is that, exactly? I'm a...
Newer formulations of oral testosterone: development and liver side effects
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Abstract Introduction Testosterone deficiency is a clinical disorder due to either failure of the testes to produce testosterone or failure of the hypothalamus or pituitary to produce sufficient gonadotropins. Previous formulations of oral...

Stop Sabotaging Your Sex Life: Secrets Every Man SHOULD Know - Dr. Mohit Khera

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Dr. Khera getting real deep here! Nelson's house is where it's at! A must listen here! In Episode 1102, Dr. Mohit Khera, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how erectile dysfunction may be an indicator of a much severe...
Testosterone Therapy Today: Clinical Advances & Safety with Dr. Abraham Morgentaler
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Dr. Morgentaler back in action! Listen closely, loved this one! Pros/Cons oral TU (51:24-57:12) *one of the things that the orals have transformed is the concept that you have to have a continually high level of testosterone to get...

A different dosing strategy with bremelanotide (PT-141) yields dramatically better results

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TL;DR: It may be possible to improve results with bremelanotide by taking multiple daily micro-doses. Like many, I have experimented with bremelanotide at the recommended doses, which range from a few hundred micrograms up to a couple milligrams...
Semen Analysis Optimum Parameters
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Here is a sample semen analysis report (optimum ranges) that I was able to obtain from a friend. Infertility testing: In an evaluation of a man's fertility, each aspect of the semen analysis is considered, as well as the findings as a whole...
Testosterone Decreases Fat and Increases Muscle: Study Explores Mechanism of Action
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PRDM16 is a gene that helps control the development of two types of fat in the body: brown and white fat. Brown fat helps generate heat and burns energy, while white fat stores energy. PRDM16 plays a key role in determining whether cells become...
500 IU of hCG Twice Per Week Used Alone in Men with Low Testosterone and ED- Study Results
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The study titled "Efficacy of 500 IU HP-hCG in the Management of Testosterone Deficient Secondary Male Hypogonadism," conducted by researchers at Chirayu Medical College and Hospital in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, aimed to evaluate the effectiveness...

This Is What Everyone Gets WRONG About Protein & Building Muscle!

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Dr. Stuart Phillips is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and a member of the School of Medicine at McMaster University. He is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Skeletal Muscle Health. In this episode, we discuss: 00:00 - Intro...
Interview with Compounding Product Expert Shaun Noorian from Empower Pharmacy
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Nelson Vergel: I'm very happy to have Shaun Noorian, the owner and manager of Empower Pharmacy in Houston. He's a member of ExcelMale.com, and answers a lot of questions there. He's also a member of our ******** group called Testosterone...

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