Excel Male TRT Forum

Injecting Testosterone and HCG in same syringe

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Maybe I'm overthinking this, but my current protocol calls for three days a week injections of testosterone and HCG (on same day). I've been injecting both separately sub q. How can I most easily combine them into one syringe to cut down on the...
Combined low-dose hCG, FSH , and T vs conventional treatment to induce virilization and fertility
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Introduction Two primary functions of mature male testis are spermatogenesis and androgen production. Both these functions are under the control of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT) axis. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secreted...
Therapeutic options for treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction
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Medical Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction (2022) Rossella E. Nappi, MD, PhD, Lara Tiranini, MD, Ellis Martini, MD, David Bosoni, MD, Alessandra Righi, MD, Laura Cucinella, MD INTRODUCTION A sexual problem associated with personal distress...

The Complete Guide to Penile Implant Surgery | Penile Dysfunction Treatment

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In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Jonathan Clavell, a respected urologist with expertise in penile implants. We dive deep into the complexities of penile implants, debunking common misconceptions and discussing how they can be a life-changing...
Prostate cancer genotyping for risk stratification and precision treatment
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Understanding Prostate Cancer Genotyping and Risk Stratification Prostate cancer is a serious condition that affects many men, especially as they get older. Scientists are constantly looking for better ways to understand who is most at risk and...
Association of serum uric acid with male sexual hormones and erectile dysfunction
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This study investigates the causal relationship between uric acid test values and male sexual hormones, including testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), estradiol (E2), and erectile dysfunction (ED) using a bidirectional two-sample...
Fertility after exogenous T replacement
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https://www.urologytimes.com/view/expert-forum-fertility-after-exogenous-testosterone-replacement In this expert panel video, Kelli Gross, MD; Kevin J. Campbell, MD, MS; Darshan P. Patel, MD; Mary K. Samplaski, MD; and James M. Hotaling, MD...
Demystifying Testosterone in Women
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Takeaways *Testosterone is an important hormone for women and has benefits beyond just libido. *There are many misconceptions and biases against testosterone in women. *Hormone replacement therapy, including testosterone, can be a safe and...
TRT in patients with cachexia
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https://academic.oup.com/smr/article-abstract/12/3/469/7673985?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false Abstract Introduction Patients with long-term chronic illnesses frequently present with hypogonadism, which is primarily managed through...

Exploring Psychogenic Aspects of Erectile Dysfunction

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This episode of the Back Table Podcast explores the psychogenic aspects of erectile dysfunction with guest Mark Goldberg, a certified sex therapist. They discuss the differences between physical and psychological causes of erectile dysfunction...
Testosterone Therapy and Erythrocytosis - the most common dose-limiting effect of testosterone therapy
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https://www.thebloodproject.com/cases-archive/testosterone-therapy-and-erythrocytosis-2/ Introduction Androgens play a crucial role in the development and maintenance of: Male reproductive and sexual functions Body composition...
Reclaiming Confidence A Deep Dive into Penile Implants
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The impact of a prostate diagnosis on sexual health and the transformative role of penile implants are two frequently ignored topics that Dr. Geo Espinosa and the esteemed Dr. Justin Dubin discuss in this eye-opening episode of The Dr. Geo...

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