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SARMs Control Act of 2018
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Earlier this week, Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) introduced the SARMs Control Act of 2018. If passed and signed by the President, the Act would amend the Controlled Substances Act to list SARMs as Schedule III...
Testosterone Therapy Options and Basics- All You Need to Know
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You’ll learn about testosterone in general, how to increase it naturally, testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone boosters, treatments, anastrozole, erectile dysfunction and more. Click here for more information: Testosterone...

Testosterone Cypionate vs Enanthate : Formulation Differences

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Getting answers, you have done excellent troubleshooting by trying both Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate to narrow down why you are having a local reaction to these medications. You are also correct that it's impossible to create...

Effect of a single injection of testosterone enanthate on 17β estradiol and bone turnover markers

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Table of Contents It is interesting to see for the first time that some men do not have increases in estradiol after a shot of testosterone. 9 out of 21 were in this group. They are also the ones with lower T peak values. I have not read the...

Latest Testosterone News and Conference Posters

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[PDF] MP85-13 ERECTILE FUNCTION IN 478 HYPOGONADAL MENWITH MODERATE TO SEVERE ED WITH AND WITHOUT TESTOSTERONETHERAPY FOR UP TO … A Haider, KS Haider, G Doros, A Traish - The Journal of Urology, 2018 METHODS 478 menwith testosterone? 350 ng/dL...
Second Interview with Dr Charles Glueck About Testosterone and DVT
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Table of Contents It has been a while since I first interviewed Dr. Glueck about TRT and clotting issues. You can read the first interview here: Can Testosterone Induce Blood Clots and Thrombosis? Interview with Dr Charles Glueck...
Applying testosterone gel on four sites increased T more than using one site
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They chose to apply on left and right arms/shoulders and left and right abdomen. Product used was Androgel 1%. Pharmacokinetics of Transdermal Testosterone Gel in Hypogonadal Men: Application of Gel at One Site VersusFour Sites: A General...
Cialis (Tadalafil) steady-state literature
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This paper is from 2010, but I'd like to draw attention to it as steady-state has been emphasized in threads about HRT. Reference Here are some things covered in this study: Steady state of tadalafil is reached after 5 days. This is...

The state of testosterone therapy since the FDA’s 2015 labelling changes about heart risks

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Table of Contents Reference: Clinical Endocrinology.2018;1–8. Summary Objective A label change in testosterone (T) products in March 2015 followed a highly publicized FDA advisory committee meeting in September 2014. Changes included a...

The FDA May Limit Access to Affordable hCG and FSH

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Table of Contents This is a critical issue that will greatly affect the compounding industry if it goes through. Basically no compounding pharmacy in the US will be allowed to make HCG (and other menotropins like FSH, HMG) at all. You...
Testosterone Myths Debunked By International Experts
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In order to address widespread concerns regarding the medical condition of testosterone deficiency (TD) or male hypogonadism, an international expert consensus conference was convened in Prague, Czechoslovakia on October 1, 2015. Experts included...
Sex Hormones and Fibromyalgia: The Pain Connection
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"In this study Younger measured testosterone, progesterone and estradiol levels as well as cortisol in 8 women with FM for 25 days straight while having them record their pain levels. He found that both progesterone and testosterone were...
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